The quivering string of a fully drawn bow
Your heart astir in the moonlight
Your beautiful face seen from the side
Unforgiving as the edge
Of a just-sharpened sword
Those who know your true heart
Hidden in grief and anger
Only the spirits
Only the spirits of the forest
The Legend of Ashitaka
A legend is a wind that moves unseen
As if passing through a sea of grass.
In rough mountain lodges where life is harsh
The villagers' voices yet whisper a story
Of the youth Ashitaka from the borderlands,
A story not written in history books.
Ashitaka the gallant, Ashitaka the brave
Who never once thought to turn from his fate.
Ashitaka who loved the people.
Ashitaka who loved the forest.
Ashitaka who saw with his eyes clear and bright.
Again and again to their children
The villagers tell this tale.
Again and again they tell them,
Children, live like Ashitaka.
Lady Eboshi
Your heart of steel so fearless.
Your will so fierce.
So kind are you to the weak,
Yet merciless to your enemies.
Your neck so white,
Your arms so slender,
Your strength so great!
Your chosen path you follow, without doubt or hesitation.
Earning your followers' adoration.
Far off into the distance you stare.
Is what you see with those eyes the future?
Or do they gaze on some past hell?
Great noble animal
Last remnant of a dying breed
Your legs do not fear steep slopes
You run like a bird in flight.
My old, dear friend
You loyal, simple being.
Your fur is soft and smooth
Your glance is warm and watchful.
Let us run together to the ends of the earth!
You appeared in the dim light of the forest
Or so I thought
For no sooner had my ears taken in
Your rattling queer laugh
Then I glimpsed you again
Now closer
Walking by my feet.
Or have you really been smiled there all the while
Out in the darkness beyond?
If I beckon, you turn bashful and run away.
If I pretend not to notice, you cling to my knees.
Little children
Your forest is a place of wonders.